Ismail Bektas Special Machine Parts is
- a representation for foundries and machine builders in Europe
- not a dealer "purely informative"
- an international operating company with headquarter in Germany
- is family owned
- existed for more than 25 years and exprience
Our contractors are specificallyandcarefully selected, according to
the following patterns and requirements:
- they have internationally recognized and valid certifications
- they have internationally certiefied laboratary for NDT and DT tests
- they have a minimum employee of engineers and technicians
- they are multilingual, English, German, Turkish
they can machining large parts between 1 and 100 tons in-house
Finally, it is the special blend of tradition and modernity, which is based here in Europe with us. The pavers in Turkey on the one hand and Ismail Bektas special machine parts, with the European know-how on the other side. A composition that repeatedly proved itself anew in international trade